Monday, April 20, 2015

How the word Smart has challenged our concept of the word Change.

Change, why are we so scared of it? In general people like to do things that they know and are comfortable with. It makes them feel safe. It is interesting to see that in the last decade change has sped up with the introduction of smartphones, touch screens, smart TV's etc. Is it the word SMART that is making people accept change much faster that before? If we have the latest technology does it make us think we are smarter therefore more superior? It's an interesting concept.

 The perceptions of oneself. I may not be so good at school but with this app I can tell the name of the brightest star in the sky by facing my iPad toward it. I may not be able to write or spell but I have a program that can do that for me by speaking into my device. So should we leave it up to just a few people to think for us? Write programs that we can use to make our lives easier. Why do we now have less time on our hands? Before it was normal to sit down with the family at dinner time and talk about our day. Now everyone is too busy. A good meal that took time and love is replaced with a quick meal. Funnily my son does not like to eat out. He always prefers home cooking.
In general we do not like change but we enjoy communication. People want to feel loved and to be a part of a conversation. Social media puts you in contact with the world. You can talk to someone on the other side of the planet and get an instant reply. Your messages and pictures are liked which gives you a good feeling. We all endeavour to feel good about ourselves.

So personally I want to accept change but also retain the basics. Going for a walk, clearing my mind, being a good friend, giving a nice hug, enjoying family time, being social, helping others and looking up and being amazed at what I see.

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