Tuesday, August 18, 2015


I have coined the phrase HYBRID change because I feel there is a big divide between fast ever changing technology and what people are comfortable with. There is plenty of Science, Technology and Innovation happening in the world but when you ask an everyday person about it they often say 'That's over my head' or' I hear the words coming out of your mouth but in a sentence I don't understand what you mean.' I have experienced this personally, I am a lover of Science and new innovations but there are articles that I read that really could be written in an alien language.  Luckily I do have some understanding and can translate and summarise them into words that I can understand, most of the time. I created a Facebook page called 'Debby's Simple Science Summaries' so that I can hopefully explain what I have read in my own simple words the wonderful daily innovations happening around the world.

So what I mean by HYBRID change is it is a blending of what we have now and new technology that is up and coming. Tesla motors is a great example of this. They currently use lithium batteries  as a power source rather than reinventing the wheel and making a new type of battery even though there are plenty of new options under R & D. They produce one of the most beautiful looking cars on the market and it is a 100% electric car. There are however only a small number of electric cars in the market place and very few places to recharge them in public. So what does Tesla do? They release the plans and technology free of charge into the market place so other much larger companies like General Motors can take advantage of their research and build their own cars but not only that they will increase production of parts and build electric car charging stations. So now there is a new model for business, Open sharing of knowledge that actually benefits each other and not to mention the environment.

How can we start this revolution in HYBRID change. Maybe by sharing information, communicating with people in the same industry or people not in the same industry. Networking, having meaningful conversations, creating meaningful friendships, having a luncheon with like minded people. Seeking new innovations and seeing how they could be used to enhance and build a better economy or business. The best leaders will be the ones that can think outside the traditional box that they are in. Most of all they will think how their consumers or the market will perceive them. They will introduce change without arrogance or authoritarian measures and they will find ways to reach a much larger market share then traditionally thought of.  They will look at what they already have, what consumers are already comfortable with and add a new benefit. It is essentially better customer service.

This way of introducing change will hopefully help fund more innovation rather than the millions of patents for new technologies or inventions sitting on a shelf being forgotten. New innovations are the catalyst for new start up businesses building a better economy and giving more people the opportunity to run their own business. HYBRID change a meshing of old and new.

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