Tuesday, August 14, 2018

What am I waiting for?

As I sit here in front of my laptop with my phone beside me I wonder,what did people do before we had these devices?

They are valuable resources, yes, but they also suck time away and tie us to one position for hours on end.

I look forward to having time to read my book away from a screen and the many distractions that it gives.

Time; you always hear people say they don't have time. We are living longer than ever but we don't have time. We feel guilty if we just stop and do nothing. How many people sit on a train and look out the window or sit in and cafe and people watch anymore? Why are we stuck to our devices? What are we waiting for?

The indigenous people of Australia have a interesting concept of time. In their culture there is no such thing as depression because they say that they will get something done when it is done. There is no stress to get it done.

We are in a time of rush, rush, rush, getting this done now, expecting results straight away, achieving instant happiness without the struggle. Where is the balance? We talk of life work balance but do we really make it happen?

I think BALANCE is the key. You are going to have bad days, and you will have good days. You have to use your devices but there are times to turn them off and' smell the roses,' as they say.

What do you want to do today?

Write a book? Start your own business? Climb a mountain? Get fit?

My friend said he has no time to see a movie. Why is this even answer? Going to a movie is a chance to get out, maybe meet up with a friend, cuddle a loved one, you can take the time to make yourself look nice, go try an eatery that you've been wanting to try for a while. It's not just about seeing a movie.

I have another friend whose mood changes if she doesn't get to catch up with friends and decompress. The population of the planet is growing and yet we connect less and less with the people around us. I like nothing better than laughing with friends and family.

If there is something that you have always wanted to do there's no one stopping you other than yourself. For me it's about living in the moment. The hardest thing is starting, then the next hardest thing is finishing. But if you take it moment by moment eventually you'll get it done.

So if there is something you want to do:
- turn of your devices and just spend some time thinking about it or discuss it with someone
- turn your devices back on if you need them to achieve your goals but make sure you're not distracted by other stuff.
- get started, even if it is writing down a thought
- make time in your day to do it
- find like minded friends who you can share your ideas, failures and successes
- plod away at it without putting too much pressure on yourself
- enjoy the process

Stop waiting and in the wise words of Nike,'
'Just do It!'